Life Chi Medicine
What is Acupuncture?
Acupuncture is the ancient technique of inserting extremely fine needles to stimulate points along the body's meridians (energy channels). This process adjusts Qi (bio-energy) in your body, to restore balance so that your body is in optimal condition to recover from illness and injury faster.
Does Acupuncture really work?
Acupuncture has a history as far back as 3000B.C. In more recent times, there has been numerous studies within the scientific and Western medical communities, which prove that Acupuncture works.
Here are some links to reports that prove the effectiveness of Acupuncture.
What are the side effects?
Unlike some medicines and surgery, Acupuncture has no lasting negative side effects.
How do I know if Acupuncture is suitable for my condition?
Acupuncture is beneficial in the treatment of most conditions, as well as for health maintenance and preventative treatment. In many cases, Acupuncture can be combined with other treatment modalities such as Cupping or Herbal Medicine, for more powerful results. Your practitioner will assess your condition and make a decision about which combination of treatment will give you the best results. If your condition is best treated by other treatment modalities, your practitioner will also inform you.
Give us a call to discuss your condition and see how we can help you.
Ph: 0452 003 222
Email: lifechimedicine@gmail.com
What conditions can be treated by Acupuncture?
Clinical results have demonstrated the efficacy of Navel Acupuncture in the treatment of a wide range of illnesses including but not limited :
· Chronic pain & Back, Elbow, Shoulder etc
· Digestive system, Bowel disorders, IBS, Bloating & Constipation, Acute enteritis
· Headaches and Migraines
· Stroke, Paralysis, Bells Palsy/ facial paralysis
· Fertility, Urogenital · Menstrual / Women’s disorders, Fibromyalgia, Menopause, Herpes, Cysts, IVF support, Urinary tract infection
· Skin conditions, Eczema, Psoriasis etc
· Psychological, Depression
· Degenerative, MS, Recovery from surgery, Muscular atrophy
· Prolapse of uterus/bladder, Hemorhoids, Prolapse of rectum
· Smoking, Weight Loss· Sports injuries
· Ear, Eye, Sinus, Mouth disorders, Diseases of the sense organs and neighbouring structures, Conjunctivitis, Myopia, Issues concerning the optic nerve
· Facial paralysis
· Prostate / Men’s disorders, Spermatorrhea
· Allergies- Food, Hayfever, Asthma, Chronic rhinitis. Chronic sinusitis
· Anxiety, Insomnia, Chronic fatigue, Hypertension, Hyperthyroidism, Goitre
· Physical trauma, Sciatica, RSI, Neuralgia
· Arthritis, Acute Lymphangitis, Restrictions and stiffness of joints, Tendon/sheath disorders
- Internal organ issues, Cardiac disease, Bilial tract diseases, Liver, Kidneys
- Paediatric complaints, Sleeplessness, Irritability, Whooping cough, Acute infantile, Malnutrition